River Flow

 Here is a link to the USGS gauge for the flows on the Blackfoot.  https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?site_no=12340000

The Blackfoot river is a free flowing non-dammed stream, and as such we have zero control of the flows. We have run races at this site from 900CFS up to 4200CFs (2014 Nationals) and everywhere in between.  So, while the flow is above average currently (6/8), it is dropping at a steady rate and should be back around mean flow soon.  The mean flow for the end of June is right around 3000CFS.  Between 2000 and 3500 is what we feel is the ideal level, and with how things are trending now that seems like we may very well be in that window.  Again, we as humans have no control of this.  Rain, extra hot days etc.. will affect flow from now until race time as well as during the event itself.  But while we cannot control how much water is in the river, this river does not turn off and on, so that means you can paddle at any hour of the day!!

Here is the link to the flow forecast for North West rivers.  Hover over the river of interest and a forecast gauge will pop up.  



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