
Showing posts from April, 2021

Course Location

This is the location of the slalom site,-113.431289?zoom=14  Highlight, right click and 'go to'

Basic info for this years Open Canoe Slalom Championships

Hey all, this will be the page that will be used for the 2021 Open Canoe slalom Championships. The event will be held on the Blackfoot River about 45 minutes from Missoula, Mt, near Greenough Montana at Roundup Rapid. The dates for the event will be June 25-27, with course setup and practice dates starting (hopefully) Monday June 21 with the course setup and then practice Tue, Wed, Thu with races starting in the AM on Friday the 25th. for those that are looking to camp, we have Lubrecht Forest reserved for our use as a group. You will need to call and make a reservation for your stay there, tents are included in this. here is a link to Lubrecht- This is only a couple minute drive from the slalom site. I will continue to load info onto this site as I find the time. Please feel free to email myslef Brandon Salayi at or John Gallagher at Most of you know the drill with these events, but for any that have a...